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Clarification of some common terms

At first glance, it may seem like Course, Sales Category, Prep station, and Menu group might seem interchangeable. However, each of these concepts plays a unique role within the qoda.ly system, designed to power different aspects of your restaurant operations.

Think of it like the well-oiled machine of a kitchen. Each cog and gear has a specific purpose:

  • Courses ensure the smooth progression of a customer’s meal, just like the flow of dishes from appetizer to dessert.
  • Sales Categories help you dissect your sales data, much like a skilled chef separates ingredients, giving you clarity on what menu items are performing well.
  • Prep stations are the heart of food preparation, where tasks are organized for efficient cooking.
  • And finally, Menu groups make your menu easy to navigate, like a well-written recipe, guiding customers and staff alike.

Let’s break down these concepts individually to understand how they come together to make qoda.ly work seamlessly for your restaurant:

  • Course:
    • Defines the intended order or sequence dishes are served in a meal.
    • Examples: Appetizer, Main Course, Dessert.
    • Focuses on dining experience: Courses guide the progression of a meal and can influence customer expectations about portion sizes.
  • Sales Category:
    • Groups Items for sales reporting and analysis purposes only.
    • Does not affect live ordering or inventory.
    • Examples: Starters, Entrees, Drinks.
    • Focuses on business insights: Sales Categories help you understand sales trends and identify high-performing or underperforming areas of your menu.
  • Prep station:
    • Represents a designated area in your kitchen where specific types of dishes or food components are prepared.
    • Streamlines workflow and improves efficiency.
    • Examples: Grill Station, Salad Station, Pizza Station.
    • Focuses on kitchen operations: Prep Stations ensure tasks are delegated efficiently for faster order fulfillment.
  • Menu group:
    • A way to organize your Menu for easier navigation by staff and customers.
    • Is nested within Menus to create a hierarchical structure.
    • Examples: Starters, Salads, Pizzas.
    • Focuses on menu presentation: Menu Groups improve menu readability and help customers find what they’re looking for.

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