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Translate your modifiers

Translating your Modifier groups in qoda.ly ensures customers from different linguistic backgrounds can easily customize their orders with the same level of understanding.

Before you start

  • Choose the languages you want to translate your modifiers into from the 46 options supported by qoda.ly.
  • Enable these languages languages in your qoda.ly settings.
  • Also translate the menus that will contain these groups.


  1. Navigate to the Menu groups page in your qoda.ly Hub. Menu groups page
  2. Click “View” on the group you want to translate.
  3. On the menu section page, locate the “Localizations” card. Group page
  4. Click “Edit” to open the translation interface.
  5. For each enabled language you can provide translations for:
    • Name
    • Description Editing translations
  6. Click “Confirm” to save your translations.

Optional: AI-Powered translations

  • In the “Localizations” card on the menu page, find the “Complete Translations (AI powered)” button.
  • Click the button to generate AI translations as a starting point for your translations.
  • This may take a few seconds or minutes, depending on the menu size. You can close the window and return later to see the results.
  • Carefully review the AI-generated translations. Adjust and refine them as needed to ensure accuracy and natural phrasing.

Steps: translating the modifier options

The modifier options within a group can also be translated. Here’s how:

  1. Open the modifier group you want to translate.
  2. In the “Options” tab, identify the option you want to translate.
  3. Click on the globe icon next to the option name.
  4. Provide the translation in the desired language.
  5. Click “Confirm”.

See also

Need help? Contact qoda.ly Support for personalized assistance.

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