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Prep station

A Prep Station in qoda.ly represents a designated area within your kitchen where specific items or food components are prepared. Organizing your kitchen into Prep Stations helps streamline order fulfillment and ensures efficient workflow.

How Prep sations work

  • Configuration: you set up Prep Stations in qoda.ly, giving them descriptive names (e.g., “Grill Station,” “Salad Station,” “Dessert Prep”).
  • Item assignment: as you create Menu Items, you specify which Prep Station is responsible for preparing each Item.
  • Printer configuration: when an order is placed, a printer can be set up to automatically print the relevant items for each Prep Station.
  • Kitchen Tickets & Displays: when an order is placed, kitchen tickets or display screens clearly show which items belong to each Prep Station. This allows kitchen staff to coordinate their efforts efficiently.

Benefits of Prep Stations

  • Organization: clearly defined Prep Stations reduce confusion and improve communication within the kitchen.
  • Speed: specialization at Prep Stations allows cooks to focus on specific tasks, increasing their efficiency.
  • Quality control: Prep Stations can help ensure consistency in how dishes are prepared.
  • Scalability: as your menu grows, you can easily adjust or add Prep Stations in qoda.ly to maintain optimal kitchen flow.

Best practices

  • Logical layout: designate Prep Stations based on your physical kitchen layout, equipment, and the types of dishes on your menu.
  • Staff training: ensure kitchen staff understand the Prep Station assignments for Menu Items and how to read kitchen tickets or displays.
  • Monitor & Adjust: analyze kitchen performance data from qoda.ly to identify potential bottlenecks and refine your Prep Station setup as needed.

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